Airport Railroad

New Station to be added to Airport Railroad

Update – April 2014: OBS  reports that Cheongna Station will open for service on June 21 2014. The original opening date was delayed due to work the signal system during the process of connecting the tracks to the high speed rail (KTX) line.

On August 31, KORAIL announced that it would be going ahead with the construction of Cheongna Station (청라역), a new station on the Airport Railroad.

Located between Geomam (검암) and Unseo (운서) Stations, the city of Incheon is investing in the new station for the convenience of residents in the Cheongna area. Once the line opens it will take only 40 minutes to get to central Seoul.

Cheongna Station
Source: KORAIL (English image to come soon)

Construction on the station began in October and was originally expected to be finished by December 2013. Once finished, the station will service 130 trains daily.

Cheongna International City is one of the many large developments taking shape as Incheon attempts to establish itself as an international city that will attract business and tourism. Cheongna will be home to the world’s first robot theme park as well as the 450 metre high CT Tower. View a promotional video about Cheongna here (Korean).

Cheongna’s location can viewed on the Daum Map below. It can also be viewed on Google maps here.

지도를 클릭하시면 위치정보를 확인하실 수 있습니다.


Sources and Links: KORAIL | LA Times | Wikipedia


Originally from New Zealand, Andy moved to Korea in 2007 and very quickly became interested in the many different public transport and urban development projects around Korea. He currently works in the transport sector in a communications role.

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