From 11am today, the Incheon Airport Railroad will stop at Gongdeok Station. This completes Incheon’s first dedicated airport railroad in its entirety and it is estimated that the number of passengers using the station daily will grow by 10,000. The station is also added to the constantly growing list of stations with three intersecting lines, which will grow to four at the end of 2012 when the Gyeongeui Line (경의선) is connected through its new route. Read more about Gondeok Station here.

Thank you for this actually useful blog, cause mine is just for bored people. I’ll definitely share yours with people who need info.
Thanks a lot for your kind comments! Unfortunately I don’t have enough time to upload as much stuff as I would like to but I do what I can. Your blog makes people laugh, (in the way it’s supposed to) and that’s just as important!
Kowiana, check the title ‘Gondeok’? ‘Gongdeok’! ^^
헉! 그런 큰 오타를 쓰다니! Thanks a lot!^^