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Yeongjong Station to Open End of 2015

Update: This station is now scheduled to open on March 26 2016.

Following the opening of Cheongna International City Station on the Airport Railroad last year, another new stop is expected to open at the end of 2015.

As you might have guessed, Yeongjong Station (영종역) is on Yeongjong Island which is home to Incheon International Airport. The new station will be located next to the Geumsan Interchange between Unseo (운서) and Cheongna International City stations (청라국제도시역), making it the new final stop before leaving the island.

Work on the 3 story station has to be carried out overnight when trains aren’t operating as there are airport railroad and KTX services passing through as often as every 12 minutes during the day.

From a quick look at satellite photos, the area around the station is still relatively rural. Nevertheless, developments on the island are slowly taking over and one of these developments closest to the station is Midan City, a major development in the north-east of the island. The project is in the Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) and the Incheon City is hoping that the area becomes a hub for international leisure and business in the Asian region.

There is still one more station to open in 2017 on the current Airport Railroad, Magoknaru Station (마곡나루역) – which is also being called Magok Station during its construction phase despite a Line 5 station with the same name. We’ll have more on this station closer to the time.

Click to view Yeongjong Station location in Daum Maps.

Source: Airzine | FRDB

Header Image: Incheon City


Originally from New Zealand, Andy moved to Korea in 2007 and very quickly became interested in the many different public transport and urban development projects around Korea. He currently works in the transport sector in a communications role.

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    • 네. 맞습니다만 공항철도 공사역명도 마곡역이라고 하네요. 그래도 조금 더 정확하게 수정하겠습니다. 감사합니다! :)

      • 아, 그렇네요. 기사를 찾아보니 정확하게는 지하철 9호선 마곡나루역과 환승하도록 만들어진다고 하는군요. (
        그런데 지하철 5호선 마곡역이 이미 있는데 동일한 이름을 사용한다는건 사람들로 하여금 혼동되게 만들 수 있을 것 같습니다. 아마도 역이 만들어질 2017년 쯤에는 역명이 바뀌겠지요?

        좋은 정보 감사합니다. ;-)

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