Today’s media feature is an article that was actually published over a year ago. The piece discusses the unopened Jeungsan Station on the extension of Busan’s Metro Line 2 which began operating in January 2008.
On September 24 2015 the station will finally open, over 7 years since the station was completed. Jeungsan Station is currently the only completed but unopened metro station after Magongnaru Station on Seoul’s Line 9 opened last year after also laying dormant for many years.

The station was built in an area that was being newly developed, and the plan had always been to open the station when there were more people in the area. Opening was further pushed back by delays in the development of the surrounding area. Up until recently there was still uncertainty as to when the station would open and some residents who had already moved into new apartments have found it frustrating having to wait for the completed station to open.
Related Articles: KS Ilbo | KN News
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