A great help in preparing a long-distance bicycle tour are reports by other travelers. We collected any informative website about cycling through Korea. Together with the link we also wrote the year of the date. As the bicycle network was officially opened in 2011, some reports before that year might have outdated information.
[accordion autoclose=false clicktoclose=true tag=h6]
[accordion-item title=”Bicycling in South Korea”]
This website provides a lot of information on cycling in Korea. It says that the website was updated the last time in 2011. Still, it has many valuable information.
Visit “Bicycling in South Korea” (2011)[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”iBike”]
The International Bicycle Fund is a NGO and advocate for cycling. A member of their organizations seems to live (or used to live) in Korea. The website has a very professional analysis of non-motorized transport infrastructure in Korea and they also offer tours through Korea.
Elements of Korea’s Non-Motorized (2011)
iBike – Korea Cycling Tour and Travel Reports[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”Groove Korea – Nuts and Bolts of Long-Distance Biking”]
A brief guide on the most important issues regarding cycling in Korea. It was published in the English-speaking magazine Groove Korea.
Visit “Nuts and Bolts of Long-Distance Biking” (2013)[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”10Mag – Incheon to Busan by Bike”]
This article by 10Mag introduces the cross country cycle path and gives tips.
Read Incheon to Busan by Bike (2013)
[accordion-item title=”4 Rivers Bike Path- South Korea”]
David Wills, who was on the Pacific Crest Trail and the Appalachian Trail, took on the challenge to get from Seoul to Busan on a bicycle. His report contains many details and reflections about the path. His website contains great information on nutrition, backpacking, cycling tours and gear. You can find there cycle tours to Sokcho, the DMZ and Chuncheon as well.
Visit “Wandering Wills” (2012)
[accordion-item title=”Go with the flow on a South Korean cycle”]
The British morning newspaper The Independent published an article about cycling on some of the most spectacular spots of the national road network. Cycling in Korea is described as “the next big thing”.
Read “Go with the flow on a South Korean cycle” (2013)
[accordion-item title=”Korean World”]
This blog has a load of adventures from around the world. There are many posts about cycling in Korea with pictures. The author suggests bicycle routes through Korea.
Visit “Korean-World” Blog (2011~2013)
[accordion-item title=”Cycling Corea”]
A blog dedicated to cycling on the peninsula. It introduces many long-distance cycling routes and important information on cycling in Korea.
Find cycling information on “Cycling Corea” (since 2013)
[accordion-item title=”Displayer”]
Here, Korea is described as “the best cycling destination in Asia”. The author of this blog had a very positive experience along the bicycle trails in Korea. He camped during his trip from Seoul to Busan without any problems.
Read “South Korea: The Best Cycling Destination in Asia” (2013)
[accordion-item title=”Couch on Wheels – From Seoul to Busan”]
Visit “Couch on Wheels” (2011) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
[accordion-item title=”Join Chase – Biking Around Korea: From Seoul to Busan”]
In seven parts Chase cycles around Korea.
Read “Biking Around Korea: From Seoul to Busan” (2012) here
[accordion-item title=”From Seoul to Korea’s East-coast”]
“South Korea: Seoul to Yonghae” (2013)
[accordion-item title=”Kimchi and Cornbread – Cycling from Seoul to Busan”]
This travel report contains some tips for cyclists.
“Cycling from Seoul to Busan: Day 1” (2014) | Day 2 | Day 3
[accordion-item title=”Seoul to Busan by Bike: Following the 4 Rivers Trail”]
“Seoul to Busan by Bike” (2014)
[accordion-item title=”How I Cycled Across Korea With my Dog”]
A well-written and special travel report about cycling from Seoul to Busan with a dog.
[accordion-item title=”Alastair´s Blog”]
Here a cycle tourist writes about his experience on two wheels in Korea.
Read “Alastair´s Blog” entry here (2012)
[accordion-item title=”Crazy Guy on Bike Through Korea”]
This page is made by around the world cyclists and it features two stories
A trip through Korea in 2005:
Read “Comparisons, mountain climbs and chilli: Korea” (2005)
And then a second trip (by another person) in 2012 as part of an East Asia cycling trip:
Visit “Crazy Guy on a Bike” (2012)
[accordion-item title=”Cycling along the East Coast”]
This is one of few reports about riding the bicycle along the East Coast
Cycling from Sokcho to Busan – 속초에 부산
[accordion-item title=”hajo’s Guide and GPX Files”]
This blog has two treasures:
1. A Guide to Cycle Across Korea (2013)
2. GPX Files for Bicycle Routes in Korea (2013)
[accordion-item title=”The Longest Bicycle Path in the World”]
An around-the-world cyclists visits Korea and writes about his experience. The blog post is filled with beautiful pictures of Korea’s rural area.
Visit Lonely Traveler’s blog (2014)
[accordion-item title=”Twisting Spokes”]
A Dutch couple has landed in Korea and they are discovering Korea mainly on two wheels. In their trip they cycled from Seoul to the east coast.
Read “Rivers of the DMZ leading to the east coast” (2015)
Facebook Groups
Korea has a fairly strong cycling community which is organized in Facebook groups. There you can meet other cyclists for group rides, get suggestions for routes and gear or just share your impression of riding the bicycle in Korea:
Facebook Group – Han River Riders
Facebook Group – Cycling Seoul to Busan
Facebook Group – Cycling in Korea
Facebook Group – Bike Party Seoul
Facebook Group – Bike Party Changwon
Youtube Videos
We created a playlist to give you an impression of Korean cycling.
This page was last updated 10 years ago by kojects.