Let’s Propose Events for Sejong-ro

After I’ve published the post yesterday, I saw on the The City 2.0: Seoul’s Facebook page that there is an event regarding the events at the Sejong-ro. Citizens can propose events for Sejong-ro and tell the city what they want to see and experience on the car-free Sundays. This event goes from Jan 29th to March 15th. Let’s take a look at some answers and maybe the one or the reader might share a great idea with us or Seoul’s city officials.

Propose Events for Sejong-ro
It asks “What can we do at Gwanghwamun in Seoul’s center?”

Multiple times the idea of a market place was proposed. This may attract local and foreigners while producing a special flair. I love flea markets, too! One entry wants to have a special market, where everybody can sell and buy stuff. Transforming the street to a gallery as a chance for the artists in town is also a great idea. Another idea involves a playground for children. The next proposal was a drive-in theater, maybe a little bit strange because you close a street for traffic to avoid car usage. Amateur theaters and performances have been also proposed. Why not? Give everybody the chance to show their entertainment skills in front of an audience.

It’s really great that some citizens thought about foreigners and tourists, too. I already mentioned the markets which could leave behind a unique impression to tourists. Someone proposed events for multicultural families, where everybody can introduce his culture and traditions. Another citizen wants to have traditional events, where foreigners can experience the Korean culture (wearing hanbok etc.).

It’s also possible to vote for the ideas but most of the entries didn’t get any vote (or just 1). If an idea gets 10 votes, it goes directly to the committee and not through a pre-selection.


Did you get inspired?

As a foreigner living in Korea it’s possible to propose events for Sejong-ro, too! You have only to make an account on Seoul’s official page. However, I don’t know if they are going to read the English entries. So if you have a great idea, please let me know until March 13th and I’ll translate it to Korean and post it on their webpage. What do you want to do with 550 meters of road on a weekend day? Please share your idea! I’ll try to come up with something as well.



Link to the event: Seoul Oasis


Co-Author of Kojects. Interested in Sustainable Transportation, Urbanism and Korea.

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