Influence of Chaebols on Korean Cities

11 years ago

Everybody, who visits South Korea, will be surprised by the strong presence of certain companies. They are called Chaebol and…

Facelift for Yonsei University Campus

11 years ago

The most renowned universities in Korea are Seoul National University, Korea University and Yonsei University, often summarized as "SKY". They…

Sogong’s Parking Lot, Unused Space in Central Seoul

11 years ago

After a five minute walk from Myeong-dong, the most popular tourist destination in Seoul, I stood in front of a parking…

Opinion Piece on Banning Standing Passengers

11 years ago

During the research for the previous article about the government's plans to ban standing on the red buses, I came across…

No More Standing in Red Buses

11 years ago

Update - 30 August 2014: After a month the measure was revoked. The number of buses will be increased (200…

Yonsei-ro, Seoul’s First Transit Mall

11 years ago

A transformation took place in Sinchon (신촌), a popular nightlife area in front of Yonsei University! Seoul forbids private cars…

Bicycle Paths on Jeju-Do

11 years ago

Korea is a great country for leisure cycling. This can be experienced first hand at the major rivers and on…

Incheon International Airport KTX Times Released

11 years ago

Looking for KTX schedules to and from Incheon International Airport? See our Incheon Airport KTX page   That's right, it's here.…

Amazing Dongdaemun Design Plaza

11 years ago

Finally I visited the Dongdaemun Design Plaza, in short DDP, which opened on March 21st. As you can already tell…

Only one year late…

11 years ago

In case you hadn't noticed, Suncheon's PRT will finally open for commercial service on 19/20 April following its trial operations…