Firstly, thanks to everyone reading this. It’s exciting and encouraging to know that other people are interested in reading about the different transport and urban projects going on around Korea. Kojects is done entirely in our spare time and while it’s impossible for us to cover everything that is happening, we try our best to post about things that will interest others or have an impact (whether good or bad) on those living in Korea.
Time for a Change
Since 2011, Kojects was hosted on and over that period we didn’t make too many major changes. When Nikola joined in 2013, we touched things up a bit by adding a header with rotating images and made it easier to navigate by adding categories. We also launched a Twitter account and Facebook page to share relevant content with our readers more easily.
However, our website was starting to look a bit dated and wasn’t responsive. We also didn’t have much control over customising our site. Now we’ve finally moved to our own server which gives us the freedom to customise pages and add better features. We’ve given it a modern design which should work well on all devices.
With the new website launch we’ve also increased the size of our site overall. You’ll notice that we have set up a bunch of pages down the left hand side with information on different aspects of transport in Korea. This is just the start and we’re looking forward to adding even more content.
As we move into a more exciting time for Kojects we updated the logo too. We kept the Samtaegeuk (삼태극, 三太極) but changed the style. For those that don’t know, the Samtaegeuk is a variation of the Taegeuk which appears on the Korean flag. It has three colors which have the following meanings: blue represents heaven, red stands for earth and yellow means humanity. So unlike the Taegeuk which has just the blue and red, for us it is important to include all three meanings. We blog about projects constructed between or often in the ground and up to the sky. We then analyse them regarding their user-friendliness and the impact on everyday life.
New Features
We haven’t just done a makeover on the site but we’ve also added a number of new features too.
- Project Database – A database where you can view what new projects are coming up and search for previous projects that have been completed.
- Kojects Forum – We’ve now got a forum where people can ask questions and discuss any transport/project related issues. Come and check it out!
- Information Pages – Whether you’re visiting another city or just passing through Korea on a trip, we’ve put together numerous pages with helpful information and links. We’ve even got information for those looking at pursuing studying transportation or urban planning in Korea.
- Tweethanger – Wanna have a quick look at what’s been going during the week? The tweethanger gives a rundown of our recent tweets about transport and urban development related news.
- Google+ and Youtube – We added two new social media channels and look forward to uploading related videos from around Korea.
Looking Forward
We’re still getting used to our new site, so please bear with us as we get everything right. Let us know if you notice anything that isn’t working or any broken links. We’ll be continuing to add more content and even more features. Let us know if you have any suggestions!
To celebrate our new site we have a giveaway! We’ve put together the following prizes for you:

1. Prize: “Neighborhood in Motion” – a book about the EcoMobility World Festival in Suwon, worth: $39.95. See it on Amazon or read about the book on Fastcoexist.
2. Prize: Rail+ Card – a transport card that works on public transport, trains and Storytime convenience stores. We introduced the new all-in-one transport card on the new information page about Korean trains.
3. Prize: Paper Model of HEMU-430X – the third generation of KTX
In order to participate in the give-away you have to answer the following question: What is the name of the third generation KTX?
Anyone who lives in Korea can participate in the giveaway (delivery only within Korea possible). You have to post the reply to our Facebook-Page until midnight of July 7. The winners will be drawn among all correct replies and announced on the Facebook-Page in a week from now.
Looks like comments are working again! Based on what I read, the name of the new KTX trains evolved like this:
HEMU-400X -> 한빛400 -> HEMU-430X -> KTX-III
So, the name of the third generation KTX is KTX-III, while the model is called HEMU-430X (I hope :P).
Just wanted to express my gratitude to the blog’s authors. Keep up the good work and the new site looks great! (I would’ve participated in the giveaway if I still lived in Korea, but alas.)
Thanks Mårten! Appreciate the kind words.